Carol Jackson Doerge

carol profileI have lived in Burghfield with my husband for over 20 years,  representing the residents of Burghfield – both as a West Berkshire District Councillor and Parish Councillor – for the last 12 years.  I am a Governor at Burghfield St Mary’s School, a Trustee of Burghfield Charities and an active member of St Mary’s Burghfield Church.

Over the last year I have had the privilege to serve as Chairman of West Berkshire District Council and during this time, as the formal representative of all residents of West Berkshire, I’ve attended events across the district, many of them within our new ward – it is been particularly rewarding to be able to recognise many local volunteer groups in Burghfield and Mortimer, not forgetting Beech Hill and Wokefield.

During my time on the council I have worked with the resource management team, been a Trustee of Berkshire Maestros and Chairman of the Health and Scrutiny Panel.  These areas of WBC work are particularly important to me as I strive to represent residents on matters that affect them and their families.  Throughout my time on WBC I have been able to raise awareness directly with portfolio holders, council officers, the police, housing organisations, our MP, etc.

Outside the council I am a corporate events and business operations manager within the software technology sector, supported by a background in Customer Advocacy.  These skills also come into play as your representative – key components of my role are the ability to listen, make decisions and lead others.

I am committed to the communities within the new Burghfield and Mortimer Ward, and will continue to work to highlight local issues, whether education, development and planning, highways, or the myriad other things that crop up.

Standing for a fourth term for WBC, I will bring a broad palette of skills, a great depth of experience within the council, and a resident’s understanding of the issues affecting the local community. I will continue to stand up in particular for sustainable development that recognises and enhances the environment – development that appreciates the contribution that trees and open spaces play in the community.

For the last four years Ian, Graham and I have worked well together and we want your endorsement to continue to do so.

You have three votes, please VOTE;

Graham Bridgman, Carol Jackson Doerge, Ian Morrin

Thank you

Carol Jackson Doerge



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